On the heels of last night's season finale, Comedy Central announced that the adventure will continue for the world's best self-assessed archaeologist, renewing the...
Comedy Central has dropped an action-packed trailer for its new adult animated comedy Digman!, following the questionable adventures of a washed up archaeology superstar...
Today, MTV Entertainment announced the cast of its new adult animated adventure comedy series, Digman!.The series marks the first to be written and produced...
Today, Disney+ revealed plans to stream Disney and Pixar’s Lightyear, beginning August 3. The news dropped with a new spot launched across the film's...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
When Pixar veteran Angus MacLane was a young boy...
In the just released, explosive second trailer for Pixar's highly anticipated Lightyear, fans get more acquainted with the new spacefarers and robot characters (voiced...
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