20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
During the Television Critics Association’s Summer Press Tour on Friday, Hulu presented the company’s lineup of upcoming original programming, including the second season of...
Xilam Animation’s multi-award winning feature I Lost My Body, directed by Jérémy Clapin, celebrated an impressive triumph for animation with a double win at...
The creative stars, aspiring talents and industry gurus of animation gathered at UCLA's Royce Hall on Saturday evening for the 47th Annie Awards. Presented...
Lakeshore Records is set to release I Lost My Body—Original Motion Picture Soundtrack featuring Dan Levy’s haunting and memorable music on Nov. 8. Levy is one half...
Oscar nominee Dev Patel (Lion, Slumdog Millionaire), Alia Shawkat (Arrested Development, Summer Camp Island) and six-time Emmy nominated TV Cheers star George Wendt will...
With the announcement of the Cannes Film Festival Critics’ Week selections, Jérémy Clapin's feature directorial debut I Lost My Body (J’ai perdu mon corps)...
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