Trolls and Shrek Forever After helmer Mike Mitchell has signed on as Master Builder for Warner Animation Group's The LEGO Movie sequel, replacing formerly...
Warner Bros. Consumer Products has been busy constructing a multi-tiered licensing program for the upcoming animated comedy-adventure The LEGO Batman Movie -- swinging into...
The feature animation adaptation of Jeff Smith’s Bone is finally picking up steam, with Warner Bros. tapping Oscar-nominated Kung Fu Panda and The Little...
Warner Bros. has brought on action helmer Robert Rodriguez to co-write and direct its live-action feature adaptation of the cult hit Hanna-Barbera adventure toon...
The Motion Picture Sound Editors have announced the nominees in a handful of animation categories for the 62nd Golden Reel Awards.
The winners in 20...
The Producers Guild of America offered few surprises in its nominations for the 2015 Producers Guild Awards, announced Jan. 5.
No animated films were among...
Animation Magazine is pleased to announce the lineup of presenters for the award ceremony at the World Animation & VFX Summit's opening night party,...
The LEGO Movie scripters and directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller have officially signed on to write the sequel.
The collaborators, who also wrote and...
'Tis the season for major animated motion-picture date disclosures! Warner Bros. has announced the release date for its spin-off from The LEGO Movie ($460.8...
Tron: Uprising director Charlie Bean is moving up to the big screen, having been hired to direct Warner Bros.' toy adaptation feature film Ninjago.
Fans of Denmark’s seminal international toy sensation LEGO, rejoice! Warner Bros. has moved up the release date of its 3-D flick based on the interlocking...
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