It's hard to believe a decade has passed since Patrick McHale's animated essence of Fall, Over the Garden Wall, first graced television screens. Based on...
The stop-motion holiday adventure Robin Robin could soon be building out its nest with new content from acclaimed British studio Aardman Animations. Dan Ojari...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 397 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
The finalists were announced today for the prestigious British Animation Awards 2022. Rewarding the very best in British animation across a variety of categories,...
The 94th Academy Awards nominations are in, marking a remarkable year for animation. Here's how the best animated feature and shorts nominees are reacting...
The longlists for the 2022 EE British Academy Film Awards have been announced, revealing the animated features, British animated shorts and VFX spectacles vying...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Fans of Aardman Animations’ charming stop-motion gems will get an early...
Italy’s VIEW Conference has added a new panel focusing on Aardman Animations’ stop-motion animated special Robin Robin, which premieres on Netflix on Nov 24....
U.K. stop-motion gem mine Aardman Animations and Netflix are preparing to let their half-hour animated fledgling Robin Robin leave the nest this holiday season,...
Annecy 2021 today announces its Work in Progress (WIP) projects, including nine of the world's most inspiring feature films heading to screens in the...
Bristol-based stop-motion animation studio Aardman Studios is working on its first project for Netflix— a new 30-minute special title Robin Robin, which will debut...
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