Animation and live-action production company Waterman Entertainment -- founded by Stuart Little and Alvin & The Chipmunks executive producer Steve Waterman -- has acquired...
Starz Animation's Film Roman studio has inked a first-look deal with producer-director-writer William Butler's Transition Entertainment. Butler and his team, which includes three-time Emmy...
WWE Studios and Film Roman have announced they have entered into a co-financing, co-production agreement for up to 13 three-minute webisodes of a new...
Burbank-based animation studio Film Roman, who is best known for working on shows such as The Simpsons, Beavis and Butt-head, Ultimate Spider-Man and King...
It looks like Peter Parker and his web-slinging alter ego are continuing their animated lives on Disney XD. The Mouse's boys action cabler announced...
Disney XD/Marvel’s animated series Ultimate Spider-Man will be back for its second season with a special one-hour primetime premiere on Monday, Jan. 21st at...
Marvel’s animated series Ultimate Spider-Man, the top rated toon on Disney XD, will return to the action-adventure network for a second season. The order...
STARZ president and CEO Chris Albrecht has promoted Film Roman’s Dana Booton to the newly created position of general manager, head of production for...
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