Following the first-look teaser dropped earlier this month, Netflix has revealed more of post-invasion Earth as imagined in the new adult animated comedy Mulligan. The...
Comedy Central has dropped an action-packed trailer for its new adult animated comedy Digman!, following the questionable adventures of a washed up archaeology superstar...
Today, Comedy Central launched the first-look trailer and announced the guest stars set to appear in the new adult animated adventure comedy series, Digman! The...
With an opening that was delayed several times this year, Playmobil: The Movie finally begins its run in U.S. theaters this weekend. The CG-animated...
Nothing says animation festival season is officially upon us like the arrival of the biggest event of the year, the glorious Annecy International Animated...
STXfilms has partnered with ON Animation Studios to acquire U.S. distribution for the upcoming animated adventure Playmobil: The Movie. Starring an A-list voice cast...
Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch), Gabriel Bateman (Lights Out), Daniel Radcliffe, comic-turned-actor Jim Gaffigan (Chappaquiddick) and singers Meghan Trainor and Adam Lambert lead the voice...
The inventors of Oscar-winning movie technology MOVA Contour Reality Capture have filed suit against Disney, Marvel Studios and ILM, alleging copyright, patent and trademark...
FOX has announced the full list of famous guest voices coming to its Animation Domination this fall on Sunday nights.
The Simpsons will be showcasing...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has nominated three features for its Best Animated Film Category.
Announced Tuesday by actors Daniel Radcliffe and Holliday...
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