Through the Woods, the Emmy-winning mobile first series of 2D-animated shorts from Fred Rogers Productions (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood), is making its PBS KIDS television...
Fred Rogers Productions, the award-winning children's entertainment company behind the much-loved, Emmy Award-winning PBS KIDS series Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Odd Squad and Peg +...
Three popular PBS KIDS animated series are debuting new themed episodes timed to Autism Acceptance Month, including a half-hour special from Hero Elementary (which...
PBS KIDS announced a new special, PBS KIDS Talk About: Race and Racism, will premiere October 9. The half-hour program will feature authentic conversations...
PBS KIDS has announced a new special created in response to COVID-19 will open the fifth season of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, premiering Monday, August...
Leading, global children’s entertainment company Spin Master has reached an agreement with Universal Brand Development to become the global master toy licensee for DreamWorks...
WATCH: Octopie Puts a Dark Twist on Pokemon in Fan Trailer
The End of Pokemon, produced by Adi Shankar, satirizes the hit entertainment franchise with...
DreamWorks Animation Television and streaming giant Netflix are growing their partnership with three new kids’ series set to debut in 2019 and 2020, including...
Academy Denies Animation Producer Kobe Bryant Opportunity to Become Member
The sports star, who won the Best Animated Short Oscar together with Glen Keane this...
9 Story Media Group announced the acquisition of Out of the Blue Enterprises, a leader in children’s media across content creation, TV production, digital...
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