Make way for the Toughest Fairy in the Universe! In tonight's new episode of the just-premiered Nickelodeon animated series The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish —...
Nickelodeon today revealed the official trailer and key art for the all-new original animated series The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish, sharing a glimpse...
Paramount+, Nickelodeon and Hasbro’s Entertainment One (eOne) today revealed the official trailer for the upcoming original animated series Transformers: EarthSpark, which will debut its...
The early years of the Caped Crusader get a closer examination as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings the fully-remastered The Batman: The Complete...
Nickelodeon Studios and Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, today announced the start of production on The Fairly OddParents (working title), an all-new original...
The second 13-episode season of DreamWorks Animation’s acclaimed series The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle premieres on Amazon Prime this Friday (Jan. 11).
Here is...
One of cartoondom’s most creatively incompetent antagonists is heading to the big screen with the news that Warner Bros. is developing Coyote vs. Acme...
DreamWorks Animation Television is bringing two original kids’ series starring beloved characters to Amazon Prime Video. First up, the studio is creating an all-new...
Scholastic Media has announced a new production order from PBS KIDS for 26 more episodes of Emmy-winning kids series WordGirl. The show, produced by...
Fox is offering a slew of seasonal programming treats this year, with new and returning Thanksgiving and holiday themed episodes of favorite shows decking...
Timmy and his troublesome godparents are back! Nickelodeon premieres the ninth season of the Emmy Award-winning animated series, The Fairly OddParents, on Saturday (May...
Butch Hartman and his Fairly OddParents team deliver a zany live-action movie adaptation of the global Nickelodeon hit phenom.
Who can believe that it’s been...
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