Studio 100 Film and Kool Produktion AS are toasting the success of their recently completed animated feature, Ella Bella Bingo. The Norwegian production enjoyed...
Studio 100 Film and Kool Produktion have announced the international voice stars for the upcoming theatrical feature Ella Bella Bingo. Leading the cast are...
Ottawa Pitch This! Contest Deadline Extended
TAC’s signature showcase opportunity for new projects is seeking 10 worthy pitches from Canadian creators. The deadline has been...
***This story originally appeared in the August ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 292)***
A mere quarter-century ago, even the most optimistic of fans attending...
The nominations for the 20th annual Golden Trailer Awards ( have been announced by GTA Executive Director Evelyn Watters. Honoring marketing executives and companies...
The Walt Disney Studios has unveiled its upcoming slate following the recent acquisition of the Fox film studios, including changes to previously dated films...
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