Pixar Animation Studios has offered a first look at upcoming original feature Soul, with a new poster, still and teaser trailer. Directed by two-time...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
The hugely loved children’s books of Dr. Seuss (the late Theodor...
On November 8, Netflix will be tempting toon palates with the all-new, lusciously animated 2D animated series inspired by Dr. Seuss classic Green Eggs...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 293)***
If you like your animated shows to be grown-up, surreal and...
Saturday morning at D23 Expo, The Walt Disney Studios co-chairman and chief creative officer Alan Horn — joined by Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy, Marvel Studios'...
The Emmy Award-nominated series Star Wars Resistance returns for its second and final season beginning Sunday, October 6 (10-10:30 p.m. EDT/PDT), on Disney Channel...
Amazon has unveiled the first teaser for its highly-anticipated, genre-bending adult animated original series Undone, which is set to make a splash at ATX...
With the first puppetry project announced in Apple's multiseries children’s content deal with Sesame Workshop revealed at the company’s “It’s Showtime" event as educational...
Regina Hicks Inks Overall Deal with 20th Century Fox TV, Joins ‘Central Park’ Apple Animated Series as Co-Showrunner
Under her two-year deal, the comedy writer-producer...
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