Coworker friends forever (CFFs) and top paranormal investigators solve mysteries and supernatural crimes in the quarter-hour animated comedy Psi Cops, making its U.S. debut...
On the eve of its highly anticipated April 30 Season 1 finale, Amazon Studios announced it has renewed Robert Kirkman’s (The Walking Dead) hour-long,...
Amazon Prime Video has unmasked the premiere date of its new adult animated superhero series Invincible, which will debut three hour-long episodes Friday, March...
Amazon Prime Video today released a teaser trailer from Robert Kirkman's (The Walking Dead) upcoming, hour-long animated series Invincible, as part of Kirkman's appearance...
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for upcoming supernatural mystery series Locke & Key, premiering February 7. Created for TV by Carlton Cuse (Lost),...
Amazon has announced more voice casting for its upcoming animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s comic-book series, Invincible. Steven Yeun and J.K. Simmons have joined...
The critically acclaimed, top-grossing mobile game My Singing Monster is looking to build on its 70-million-player success in the L&M sphere later this month,...
Vancouver-based multiplatform entertainment company Thunderbird Entertainment (Beat Bugs) and Skybound North -- a division of Skybound Entertainment -- have entered into a first-look agreement...
Recently launched IDW Entertainment, the production arm of the noted comics publisher, has teamed up with George Lopez and his Travieso Production Company to...
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