Matt Groening’s epic send-up of high fantasy returns to streaming this fall, with Disenchantment Part Two set to launch globally September 20, exclusively on...
Mobile-first entertainment company Seriously has debuted the fifth original animated short in its Best Fiends franchise: Howie’s Gift. Starring the fan-favorite character Howie, a...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to lead the accelerating charge for original adult animation, with sources telling The Hollywood Reporter that an in-house animation studio...
Matt Groening’s fantasy-adventure send-up for grown ups Disenchantment has cast its spell over Netflix, securing a Season 2 order from the streaming giant.
The series,...
As Comic-Con International grows in numbers and scope each year, it’s getting harder to cover every important event, trailer premiere and panel that takes...
Mobile-first entertainment company Seriously has premiered its third animated short based on its Best Fiends franchise: Fort of Hard Knocks. This latest installment furthers...
From the brilliant mind of Matt Groening (The Simpsons, Futurama) comes the magical animated world of Disenchantment -- a new, 10-episode adult comedy-fantasy coming...
High fantasy meets adult comedy in Simpsons creator Matt Groening’s new, 10-episode animated series Disenchantment, coming to Netflix on August 17. The first-look images...
Mobile-first entertainment company Seriously has teamed up once again with Golden Globe-nominated animation studio Reel FX for a second original short in the Best...
Netflix has ordered 20 episodes of a new adult animated comedy-fantasy series from The Simpsons creator Matt Groening: Disenchantment. Produced by The ULULU Company...
Cartoon Network will be kicking off its latest animated series OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes with an energetic, hour-long series premiere on Tuesday, August...
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