Timed the show's premiere in Japan on Nippon TV and international streaming debut on Netflix, the English-language voice cast of Ranma 1/2 was revealed. While...
Based on DC’s comic-book limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, join DC Super Heroes from across the multiverse in...
Based on DC’s iconic comic-book limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez, DC’s new animated film Justice League: Crisis on...
Warner Bros. Animation continues to glean beloved characters from DC’s robust library for the popular DC Showcase line of animated shorts, this time opting...
Cartoon Network is bringing all the excitement, adventure, and laughs expected on spring break with Spring Breakaway — a two-week programming event sure to...
Animation sensation Ben 10 returns to airwaves with all-new, action-packed adventures as the recharged series makes it US debut on Monday, April 10 at...
The first trailer for the animated feature adaptation of popular PlayStation videogame franchise Ratchet & Clank has debuted exclusively on Apple iTunes. The film...
Rainmaker Entertainment and production partner Blockade Entertainment, together with China’s CNHK Media, have revealed the impressive voice cast roster for their upcoming CG feature...
Rainmaker Entertainment, who earlier this year brought us Escape from Planet Earth, has joined forces with indie production company Blockade Entertainment to produce a...
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