Paramount Pictures announces that Clifford the Big Red Dog, the new hybrid feature film based on the Scholastic children's books by Norman Bridwell, is...
Animation icon Genndy Tartakovsky is teaming up with King Features to go back to the drawing board on his long-awaited Popeye animated feature, close...
Sony Animation has announced the release date for two eagerly anticipated projects. First up, Genndy Tartakovksy will be helming a new 3-D, CG-animated version...
The 10th anniversary celebration of Sony Pictures Animation (SPA) continues with a five-week series of special screenings featuring SPA’s collection of animated and hybrid...
Hotel Transylvania director Genndy Tartakovsky won’t be slowing down any time soon. The much-respected animation veteran (Dexter’s Laboratory, Samurai Jack, Clone Wars) will be...
Sony Pictures Animation has set screenwriters Jay Scherick and David Ronn to write the screenplay for a new animated feature version of Popeye.
Scherick and...
Peyo’s beloved little blue creatures come to CG life in Sony’s Smurfalicious 3-D hybrid extravaganza.
It’s been 53 years since Belgian artist Pierre “Peyo” Culliford came...
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