Lion Forge Entertainment, the studio behind Iyanu, the epic superhero animated-series steeped in Nigerian culture and mythology, debuting on Cartoon Network and Max, has...
Cartoon Network and Max announced today the all-Nigerian voice cast for Iyanu, the animated superhero series steeped in Nigerian culture and mythology. A Lion...
In 2019, Matthew A. Cherry’s Oscar-winning animated short Hair Love offered a beautiful snapshot of a Black father learning to fix his young daughter’s...
Lion Forge Entertainment and Penguin Young Readers, a division of Penguin Random House, have partnered to develop film and TV projects based on popular...
Max has released the official trailer for the original animated series Young Love, debuting with four episodes Thursday, September 21 on Max. The 12-episode season continues with...
The Max Original Animation panel hosted at San Diego Comic-Con today included exclusive first looks at upcoming animated series coming soon to the streaming...
Lion Forge Entertainment and Nickelodeon Animation today announced a new first-look deal covering animated series and features. The partnership underscores both studios' commitment to...
Lion Forge Entertainment, the prodco behind the Academy Award-winning short Hair Love, is partnering with Taylor K. Shaw’s Black Women Animate Studios (BWA) to...
Lion Forge, the U.S.-based animation studio behind Oscar-winning short Hair Love, has announced a new partnership with Folktellers Studios to develop and produce entertainment history toon...
Supporting elementary literacy goals for children and celebrating underrepresented communities and groups, St. Louis-based Nine PBS has partnered with David Steward II’s Academy Award-winning...
HBO Max, Cartoon Network and Lion Forge Animation announced today plans to adapt the popular Dark Horse Comics/YouNeek Studios graphic novel series Iyanu: Child...
David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation studio (Academy Award-winning Hair Love) has made a deal with the Tuff Gong Collective, a joint venture between...
David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation studio (Academy Award-winning short Hair Love) is partnering with Folktellers Studios to develop and produce an animated series...
Alumni Pros Global Sports (APGS) has set an exclusive partnership with David Steward II's Lion Forge Animation (Academy Award-winning short Hair Love), making the...
Leading European family entertainment company Planeta Junior and David Steward II's Lion Forge Animation (Academy Award-winning Hair Love) are partnering to produce content that...
Lion Forge Animation (Hair Love) and BRON Digital announced today that they have joined forces to introduce and produce the children's animated series, accompanying...
The KingstOOn Animation Conference and Film Festival, taking place virtually April 21-25, has pinpointed “Diversity in Animation” as the central theme for this year’s...
David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation studio (Academy Award-winning Hair Love) is expanding its global creative, executive and production teams, announcing the addition of...
Imagine Kids+Family and David Steward II’s Lion Forge Animation studio (Academy Award-winning short Hair Love) have formed an exclusive first-look partnership around the animation...
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