The DC Animated Universe is getting some added TV starpower in the upcoming comic-book adaptation The Death of Superman, coming this summer from Warner...
Warner Bros. Television and Warner Bros. Animation will be bringing a colorful array of heroes and antiheroes from animated and live-action hit series to...
After creating a stir with the original Japanese trailer, fans can now check out the English-language spot for the fantastical new feature-length home video...
'Suicide Squad' Animated Movie Cast Led by Tara Strong, Christian Slater
The next Warner Bros. Animation / DC Entertainment direct-to-video movie will feature Strong (reprising...
A new animated adventure is leaping from comic-book pages and hitting the bricks next month as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases LEGO DC Super...
Over Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend, Warner Bros. Television Group and DC Entertainment will bring their hit TV series and comic-book worlds to Washington,...
Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment have announced that two titans of TV history unite in the upcoming Batman vs. Two-Face from Warner Bros....
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment are toasting a decade of superheroic animation with the DC Universe Original Movies: 10th Anniversary Collection --...
Having enjoyed successful big-screen outings for Batman: The Killing Joke and Batman: Return of the Caped Crusader last year, Warner Bros. Studios, DC Entertainment...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its DC Universe Original Movie series July 21 at Comic-Con International: San Diego with...
Fan can relive the ultimate animated Amazon adventure as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment released Wonder Woman: Commemorative Edition -- a fresh treatment of Lauren...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment is continuing its tradition of WonderCon debuts with the exclusive world premiere of upcoming DC Universe Original Movie Teen Titans:...
The all-new animated adventures of DC’s greatest superheroes take flight on Cartoon Network on Friday, December 16 at 6 p.m. ET/PT with the premiere...
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