London's Kingston University has an animated addition to its prominent alumni list, since creator and writer Hamish Steele ( saw the launch of his...
The official trailer for Dead End: Paranormal Park has arrived! The new 2D animated series is bringing demonic mix ups, friendship and terrifying fun...
***This article originally appeared in the January '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 316)**
As a young girl growing up in pre-Islamic Revolution Iran, acclaimed...
The official selection of the TAAFI Animation Film Festival, screening this weekend (Feb. 14-16) at the Bloor Hot Docs Cinema in Toronto, will present...
The talented animated filmmakers of tomorrow took center stage this week as California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) celebrates the 2019 edition of its...
+ Frederator Studios has announced that season 2 of Penn Ward's (Adventure Time) breakout web series Bravest Warriors will headline the studio's growing YouTube...
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