Following a year of significant growth, Digital Dimension Entertainment Group (DDEG), a company focusing on the creation and production of original animated content and...
Sony Pictures Animation has tapped three talented directors to take over the adventures of Miles Morales and the Spidey squad in the highly anticipated...
Netflix has released a trailer for the upcoming next installment of the Emmy Award-winning animated adult anthology Love Death + Robots, launching May 14...
Netflix announced Thursday another exciting project in its ever-growing original animation lineup. My Dad the Bounty Hunter is a CGI series, created by Academy...
Genius Brands International announced the spring 2021 premiere of its new children’s animated series, Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, on Amazon Prime...
Dragon's Lair, the classic 1980s video game franchise created by Rick Dyer and animation icon Don Bluth, is getting a live-action feature revisit by...
DreamWorks Animation unveiled the heartwarming trailer for new holiday special DreamWorks Spirit of Christmas, based on its Emmy Award-winning series Spirit Riding Free. The...
As the Disney-owned Marvel brand continues to expand, reports that a new animation project is in the works with Emmy Award-winning studio Floyd...
Dive back into the incredible world of Ryme City when Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures’ Pokémon Detective Pikachu arrives on 4K UHD Combo...
Genius Brands International announced an all-new comedy, action-adventure animated series for children, Stan Lee’s Superhero Kindergarten, starring Hollywood icon Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator franchise,...
In what has become an annual tradition at Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios returns with a Bonlieu Theater presentation showcasing...
Fans of Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away were treated to exciting announcements from the Disney-owned studio at this weekend's Star Wars Celebration in Chicago,...
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