The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced shortlists in 10 categories for the 97th Academy Awards, including Animated Short Film and...
Tuesday morning's New York Film Critics Circle Awards announcements kicked off with the reveal that Gints Zilbalodis' Flow won the Best Animated Feature honor. The European...
To celebrate the finale of Marvel Television’s Agatha All Along, Disney+ unveiled a new “Look Ahead” teaser that reveals upcoming 2024-2025 Marvel Studios’ titles...
Oscar, Emmy and BAFTA-winning tech and creative powerhouse FC3 (the Framestore and Company 3 Group) today named David Kassler as its new Group Chief Executive...
Disney scored a huge hit with this past summer’s Marvel bromance Deadpool & Wolverine. This cinematic partnership, which began with the 2009 feature, X-Men...
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