Portland State University and award-winning Portland, Oregon-based animation studio LAIKA — known for Oscar-nominated animated feature films such as Coraline, ParaNorman and Kubo and the Two Strings...
Today, Black Women Animate Studios (BWA) and The Titmouse Foundation announced their plan to support BWA’s goal of hiring 200 diverse animation professionals by...
Lion Forge Entertainment, the prodco behind the Academy Award-winning short Hair Love, is partnering with Taylor K. Shaw’s Black Women Animate Studios (BWA) to...
Today, at the beginning of Pride month, WIA — the advocacy organization dedicated to advancing people of underrepresented gender identities, including women and gender...
Fred Rogers Productions (fredrogers.org), the children’s media organization behind multiple Emmy-winning PBS KIDS series, has formed the Writers’ Neighborhood, a five-year initiative focused on...
The prestigious European animation celebration Annecy Festival, taking place this year from June 11-17, announced today a thematic spotlight on Pride and Diversity, featuring four...
AfroAnimation, the largest annual summit featuring diverse, BIPOC and underrepresented animators, announced today its first in-person event will take place in Burbank, California from...
The BRIC Foundation (bricfoundation.org), dedicated to increasing representation in the entertainment and gaming industries, announced the official lineup for its 5th annual BRIC Summit, to be...
Scholastic Entertainment is partnering with Gaumont to co-develop and co-produce Rocket Park, an animated preschool series inspired by Sofia Sanchez, a 13-year-old Down syndrome...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
With so many representation firsts from the last decade, including Doc...
***This article originally appeared in the November '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 324)***
When Karissa Valencia, the creator and showrunner of Netflix’s highly anticipated...
The Geena Davis-led Bentonville Film Festival in Arkansas (June 13-18, 2023; streaming through June 25) has partnered with Kickstart Entertainment to introduce a new...
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