Descendants: The Royal Wedding, an animated special that invites viewers to Auradon's epic social event — Mal and King Ben's wedding — will premiere...
This year's virtually produced telecast of Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards 2020: Celebrate Together, hosted by Victoria Justice (Victorious) on Saturday, May 2, at 8...
Season two of the hit animated comedy-adventure series Big City Greens premieres Saturday, Nov. 16 (9:30 a.m. EST/PST), on Disney Channel and DisneyNOW. Created...
At Anaheim's WonderCon on Sunday, Marvel's animation contingent premiered Marvel Rising: Heart of Iron and announced three upcoming specials in the franchise will be...
Following the successful launch of the Marvel Rising: Initiation shorts and the movie Secret Warriors, Marvel Entertainment has announced more adventures for the animated...
Behind the Scenes at the Disney “Morgue” Where Animation History Is Being Saved
Gizmodo delves into this important temple of preservation, where fragments and ephemera...
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