Build-A-Bear Entertainment, Foundation Media Partners and Montreal-based animation shop Laughing Dragon Studios announce Kabu, a new animated series inspired by classic Build-A-Bear characters including...
Emmy-nominated animated series Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is ready to bring more girl genius super hero action to screens for Season 2, premiering...
Disney Branded Television has unveiled an addition to the rogue's gallery of nefarious super villains plaguing New York City in Marvel's Moon Girl and...
Disney Branded Television has opened the doors to Lunella's secret lab with the reveal of the official trailer for Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur!...
Following the unveiling of the official opening sequence and Season 2 order during New York Comic Con last month, Disney Branded Television is treating...
A multitalented lineup of guests and recurring stars are lending their voices to Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, the highly anticipated series from...
ABC, Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are ready to take over the San Diego Comic-Con convention...
The first official teaser for Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur has been unleashed, with a special video intro from executive producer and voice...
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