Fans will be able to return to the fantastical world of Guillermo del Toro’s imagination when DreamWorks Animation Television’s original series 3Below: Tales of...
The enchanting VR folk tale short Crow: The Legend -- the latest from INVASION! and ASTEROIDS! creator Baobab Studios -- has officially qualified for...
DreamWorks Animation Television has added a panel to its New York Comic Con 2018 lineup, on Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro’s highly-anticipated Netflix original...
Following the release of the new season trailer, DreamWorks Animation Television is giving Animag readers a closer look at Trollhunters Part 3 with this...
Magic, monsters, and … convenient wedgies? … are in store as the third installment of DreamWorks Trollhunters debuts exclusively on Netflix on May 25....
Baobab Studios, the creators of Asteroids! and Invasion!, announced that Tye Sheridan (Ready Player One) and Liza Koshy (Hulu’s Freakish) are joining the cast...
Baobab Studios is showcasing two new animated virtual reality storytelling experiences at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival and June’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival:...
Disney's Lucasfilm released a new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story during Wednesday night's Olympics coverage. The spot gives more screen time...
Disney’s Lucasfilm released a new trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story during Wednesday night’s Olympics coverage. The spot gives more screen time...
Sesame Street will launch its first Spanish-language series for U.S. viewers this weekend, when Sesame Amigos begins airing exclusively on Univision. The Sesame Workshop...
If you’re looking for tips on how to attain ultimate swagger and optimal moustache performance, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has got you covered...
The Book of Life mixes modern conventions with Mexican tradition and brings director Jorge Gutierrez’s passion project to life.
The Book of Life director Jorge...
The American Film Institute will present a special, free screening of Fox's supernatural adventure The Book of Life during its Latin American Film Festival,...
The Book of Life is looking like a must-read.
The movie's director, Jorge Gutierrez, and producer, Guillermo del Toro, presented this week an early look...
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