Spaceport has struck a licensing deal with Toei Animation (One Piece, Dragon Ball) for the storied Japanese studio's latest feature film project, Hypergalactic. The...
Fans can bring the DigiDestined home in just a couple months, when the long-awaited new Digimon movie Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning arrives on Blu-ray. In honor...
Multi-platform media co. Shout! Studios and iconic Japanese studio Toei Animation Inc. have announced a new home entertainment distribution deal to bring Digimon Adventure...
Toei Animation and Fathom Events revealed today details for the U.S. theatrical release of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, which will be a two-day...
Toei Animation revealed a new trailer and poster image for director Tomohisa Taguchi’s upcoming movie Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning at the Digi Fes...
Renowned kids' entrepreneur Hans Ulrich Stoef (Ulli Stoef) has launched a new worldwide television production and distribution operation: Toon 2 Tango GmbH & Co....
AT&T is giving DirecTV customers an exclusive early look at the CG animated family film Son of Bigfoot, available now from DirecTV Cinema. Featuring...
Digimon Adventure tri. director Keitaro Motonaga discusses his epic six-feature undertaking.
Created in 1997, the heyday of the Tamagotchi digital pets (which were animated that...
There’s a whole lot of pink sparkle coming to Cartoon Network’s Friday lineup this month. That’s because Warner Bros. Animation has delivered the awesome...
An intriguing international toon partnership has formed, with Japan’s Toei Animation collaborating with Saudi Arabian media company Manga Productions on a trio of new...
Scum & Villainy Cantina Extended Thru June
The sold-out pop-up Star Wars dining experience is extending its LA run through June -- ticketing and reservations...
VIDEO: 'Leap!' - "Chicken Wings" Clip
Check out the latest snapshot of the new ballet-themed adventure, which sees Elle Fanning and Nat Wolff's characters execute...
All the digital monster battlin' your heart desires is coming to home entertainment shelves soon as Shout! Factory in collaboration with Toei Animation present...
Shout! Factory and Toei Animation have inked a new multi-picture deal to bring the Japanese studio's popular action-adventure anime film series Digimon Adventure tri....
Nine animated and hybrid series to work into your schedule during the kids' content market, taking place October 11-12 in beautiful Cannes, France.
Heroes: Legend...
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