Fans can bring the DigiDestined home in just a couple months, when the long-awaited new Digimon movie Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning arrives on Blu-ray. In honor...
Toei Animation and Fathom Events revealed today details for the U.S. theatrical release of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, which will be a two-day...
HIDIVE and IFC Films today debuted the English-language trailer and dub voice cast for the critically acclaimed romantic fantasy The Tunnel to Summer, the...
Toei Animation revealed a new trailer and poster image for director Tomohisa Taguchi’s upcoming movie Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning at the Digi Fes...
Fans will soon welcome the DigiDestined into their homes to watch the long-awaited, 20th anniversary feature film Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. This fall,...
This spring, the DigiDestined return to the big screen in a final adventure with their Digimon. Toei Animation Inc. and Fathom Events have announced...
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