With a five-day domestic debut of $221 million, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Moana 2 is sailing beyond box office records, including the biggest five-day...
Despite sailing into its release on choppy waves of critical reviews, the hotly anticipated sequel Moana 2 has already made a major splash going into...
“Beyond,” the end credit track from the highly anticipated Walt Disney Animation Studios’ film and Disney Music Group Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, Moana 2,...
For this year's ever-inspiring Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios and Disney Branded Television will unveil a handpicked selection...
Bejuba! Entertainment (Wishfart; Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave) has picked up the first two series from crowd-funded animation prodco Pencilish Studios on two original series for...
The upcoming 2D-animated Walt Disney Animation Studios series Tiana -- a long-form, musical extension of the 2009 movie The Princess and the Frog -- has...
The 100-year-old Walt Disney Animation Studios' first-ever animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, will join in the centenary celebrations with the new 4K...
Walt Disney Animation Studios shared a new trailer, poster and images this morning for its 100th anniversary year musical-comedy Wish, which opens in U.S....
Home audiences will get their first chance to watch the cameo-packed Disney Animation centennial short film Once Upon a Studio next month, when the comically...
Animation Is Film (AIF) has announced the lineup for the 6th edition of its animated cinema festival, featuring a slate of theatrical presentations, special...
The Walt Disney Company announced today a special restored and remastered 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray release of the Walt Disney Animation Studios’ first ever...
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