Disney Animation will offer an exclusive preview of upcoming feature Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 during the Annecy International Animated Film Festival...
Oscar-nominated Disney Animation filmmakers Ron Clements and John Musker (Moana, The Princess and the Frog) have been announced as the 2018 recipients of the...
As it continues to grow its original programming unit, Renegade Animation announces the promotion of Brittney Jorgensen to the newly-created title of Head of...
Disney is abandoning Gigantic, its upcoming feature adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk, according to Deadline.com. The project, which was slated for a Thanksgiving...
Tickets Now on Sale for ‘Starship Troopers: Traitors of Mars’
Don’t miss your chance to see the all-new CG animated installment of the hit franchise,...
Irish Animator’s Video Game Is the First to Qualify for an Oscar
Entertainment becomes increasingly intersectional, as David OReilly has confirmed that his expansive interactive...
Seth Rogen and Billy Eichner to Play Pumbaa and Timon in ‘Lion King’
Jon Favreau’s live-action revamp of the iconic Disney animated feature also stars...
The audiovisual confab FMX is rapidly approaching, with the organizers announcing even more cutting edge additions to its informative tracks on animation, effects, VR,...
Members of the Animation Guild have determined that Jason MacLeod, a lighting artist with Disney Animation, will replace Steve Hulett as the group's business...
Meg LeFauve -- the multi-award-winning writer of Inside Out -- will make her directorial debut with Disney Animation's Jack and the Beanstalk update Gigantic....
Monday morning, actor Dwayne Johnson exclusively unveiled on Instagram the latest poster for Disney's Moana -- in which he voices the male lead, the...
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