Actor-comedian Jenny Slate has been announced as the voice of iconic cartoon caretaker Miss Nanny in Disney Junior’s CG reimagining of Muppet Babies, premiering...
Disney Junior has ordered a second season of not-so-scary preschool series Vampirina, which hit a ratings high with its October 1 simulcast premiere on...
Organizers of the Kidscreen Summit 2018, taking place Feb. 12-15 in Miami, FL (, have announced the nominees for the upcoming children/teen TV awards....
Building on the success of 2015’s inaugural Force Friday, Disney and Lucasfilm have announced Find the Force, a global augmented reality event rolling out...
Tuesday night, LIMA presented the 2017 International Licensing Awards to winners in 20 categories at a ceremony held during the Licensing Expo, underway at...
The International Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association (LIMA) has revealed the nominees for the 2017 International Licensing Awards, selected from a record number of submissions...
It's Christmas in July as Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media has presented its annual Holiday Toy Preview in New York, dishing details on...
Representatives of top brands and major merchandise partners will convene on Las Vegas this summer for Licensing Expo 2016, and trade association LIMA will...
James Pitaro, current co-chair of Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media and president of Disney Interactive, will be stepping up as chairman of DCPI...
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