It looks like Peter Parker and his web-slinging alter ego are continuing their animated lives on Disney XD. The Mouse's boys action cabler announced...
The creators of Disney Channel's hit animated musical comedy toon Phineas and Ferb have another geek-tastic crossover special planned to follow up this summer's...
Los Angeles-based Sprite Animation Studio, the boutique CGI-animation house known for its creative and innovative animation style, and Japan's OLM Digital will offer an...
Vodka's Jelly Jamm Wins El Chupete Awards: Spanish studio Vodka Capital's CG-animated preschool show Jelly Jamm recently picked up the Best Animaton in TV/Movie...
Disney XD will premiere its new 2.5-hour Randomation Animation block this Saturday (July 13) from 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m. The special toon showcase includes new...
Marvel's Avengers Assemble brings the very popular and quirky superheroes to the Disney XD lineup this summer.
Die-hard Marvel animation fans who've been mourning the...
To ride the popularity of the studio's live-action features and animated series on Disney XD and Cartoon Network, Marvel Entertainment has launched a cross-platform...
41 Entertainment, Arad Productions and Namco Bandai announced today that the premiere and encore performances of Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures on Disney XD...
Sean Gorman has been promoted to president of American Greetings Properties. He will remain based in Los Angeles. Previously, Gorman was VP of entertain...
Disney XD has announced that it will debut Marvel's Avengers Assemble, a new animated series reuniting some of Marvel's most iconic Super Heroes (Iron...
Five animated Disney series will now be available on Netflix’s subscription-based streaming service in the U.S. The multi-year, non-exclusive licensing deal features Disney XD’s...
Disney Channel has promoted Adam Bonnett to the newly created position of Disney Channels Worldwide exec VP of original programming. The announcement was made...
Disney’s preschool channel Disney Junior has officially launched in the U.K. in high definition. The Mouse cabler already transmits HD versions of its core...
Titmouse, Inc.—the L.A. studio behind Adult Swim’s The Ventures Bros., Metalocalypse and Black Dynamite—has their first original animated theatrical short The Hidden Life of...
Karen K. Miller has been promoted to Disney Channels Worldwide’s VP of programming strategy, acquisitions and co-productions. She has been with Disney since 2011.
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