In July, Heroic Signatures announced that the company is in production on its first animated feature film for its popular franchise, Mutant Year Zero. Based...
Heroic Signatures has begun production on its first animated feature film for its popular franchise, Mutant: Year Zero. Based on Mutant: Year Zero Road to Eden, a...
The biggest global animated franchise in history adds an all-new laugh-out-loud gru-vy movie in Illumination’s Minions: The Rise of Gru, available to own with over...
Lightyear, The Bob’s’ Burgers Movie and Marcel the Shell with Shoes On have new animation competition this Friday as Universal/Illumination’s much-anticipated Minions: The Rise of...
In the third official trailer for Universal-Illumination's Minions: The Rise of Gru, the loveable little mischief makers take off to fly unfriendly skies and rev...
This summer, from the biggest global animated franchise in history, comes the origin story of how the world’s greatest supervillain first met his iconic...
As the esteemed Annecy Festival charts a course to its 2022 live edition after last year's hybrid event, organizers announce that Illumination Entertainment's little...
Next summer, from the biggest animated franchise in history and global cultural phenomenon, comes the untold story of one 12-year-old’s dream to become the...
Apple TV+ Partners with Malala Yousafzai
The groundbreaking young Nobel laureate and women's rights activist has entered a multiyear programming deal with streamer, which will...
Illumination Entertainment is ready to introduce a bite-sized version of its loveable baddy when Universal Pictures releases Minions: The Rise of Gru this summer....
Nickelodeon is planning a holly-jolly holiday line-up of hit live-action, animation and preschool series, kicking off Saturday, November 28 for a month-long bonanza of...
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