One of the most-anticipated animation books of the year is Somewhere Out There: My Animated Life, a wonderful new memoir by beloved American director...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival (Feb. 25 - March 6;, taking place live at the Flagey and Palace as well as...
Emmy-nominated voice actor, singer-songwriter and author Will Ryan, known for playing Willie the Giant and Peg-Leg Pete in numerous Disney animation projects as well...
Dragon's Lair, the classic 1980s video game franchise created by Rick Dyer and animation icon Don Bluth, is getting a live-action feature revisit by...
The 23rd International Cross-Media and Children's Television Festival, Cartoons on the Bay took place April 11-13 in historic Torino, Italy. This year’s edition once...
Ellation’s aggregation platform VRV ( continues to build its animation slate with an action-packed collection of classic cartoon series of the ‘80s and ‘90s....
Animation Ireland, the representative body for the Irish animation industry, today launched its Pre-Budget Submission, a document of five key recommendations intended to garner...
’Sonic Mania’ Opening Animation
Bestill, my nostalgic heart! The whole internet has fallen in love with this colorful, retro-savvy, whizz-bang of a cartoon opener for...
Profiles in History will be presenting an auction of significant pieces by legendary studios at its Animation Art Auction, taking place December 18-19. Among...
Award-winning Disney artist Mike Peraza will be honored with the Friz Freleng Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Animation at the International Family Film...
Walking with Dinosaurs puts a family feature spin on BBC's acclaimed CG-animated documentaries about the Jurassic giants.
Audiences have had a love affair with animated...
The animation community lost another great talent this past Friday with the passing of effects animators Dorse Lanpher at the age of 76.
Lanpher began...
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