Another Disney alum is joining the ranks of creatives working with Skydance Animation (Luck, Blush), established in 2017 and headed by former Pixar chief...
Walt Disney Animation Studios' latest animated feature, Strange World, is now available on 4K, Blu-ray and DVD. Audiences can now enjoy the epic adventure...
***This article originally appeared in the February '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 327)***
Some of today's top character designers discuss their craft and challenges.
Even after our big Animation Lover's Holiday Gift Guide, there were still quite a few notable fall releases and product announcements we couldn't squeeze...
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 61st animated feature Strange World will soon be available to audiences to enjoy at home with never-before-seen bonus features and deleted scenes. The “stunning”...
Disney+ has an exciting holiday gift for fans as Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Strange World is heading to the streaming service beginning December 23....
Family audiences haven’t been too eager to visit Disney’s Strange World this holiday weekend so far. According to industry trades, the sci-fi fantasy only...
Just in time for the big Thanksgiving weekend, Disney is releasing its 61st animated feature in theaters. Audiences have been curious about director Don...
Tickets are now on sale for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ original action-packed adventure Strange World, following in the Thanksgiving big screen release footsteps of...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Which animated features are going for Oscar gold on March 13,...
A new featurette exploring Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Strange World has landed, revealing how the voice cast describes the upcoming feature: crazy, bizarre, adventurous, mysterious,...
***This article originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Disney Animation’s 61st feature release Strange World is inspired by the...
The 2022 World Animation Summit will soon bring together creative luminaries and industry leaders to explore the latest trends and technologies in animation and...
Dangerous terrain, squishy new life forms and unexpected encounters are packed into a glowing extraterrestrial adventure in the brand-new trailer for Strange World, the upcoming...
Everyone’s favorite huggable, inflatable, personal healthcare robot is back. Baymax, the beloved character introduced in Disney’s Oscar-winning 2014 feature Big Hero 6, is the...
Fans got an early look at Walt Disney Animation Studio's all-new feature film Strange World today, with a newly released teaser trailer and poster paying...
In celebration of National Streaming Day, Disney+ has released a new trailer and key art for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Baymax!
Streaming exclusively on Disney+...
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