Emmy Award-winning actor Darren Criss (American Crime Story, Glee, Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths) is joining the voice cast of DreamWorks Animation’s global...
Paramount+ today released the official trailer and key art for its upcoming original kids and family film Blue's Big City Adventure. The feature-length Blue’s...
In celebration of the one year anniversary of DreamWorks Animation’s Gabby’s Dollhouse premiering on Netflix, the popular series returns for a fourth season on...
Nickelodeon’s hit hybrid preschool series Blue’s Clues & You! is getting into the holiday spirit with the launch of festive content across multiple platforms...
Hit preschool series Gabby's Dollhouse is set to return to Netflix with 10 all-new "a-meow-zing" episodes! In celebration of National Best Friends Day, DreamWorks...
DreamWorks Animation will be unlocking the doors to its original live-action/CG animated hybrid series Gabby's Dollhouse (8 x 22') on Netflix, January 5. The...
On Wednesday, Nickelodeon detailed its new, wide-ranging content slate for 2020-21, with a brand-new book-inspired animated series amid several live-action originals, including a live-action...
Amazon Original Kids Series Creative Galaxy will blast off with a second season on Prime Video on Friday, September 16. The hit “make-along, create-along”...
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