Disney+ will begin debuting a collection of 28 newly restored Walt Disney Animation Studios classic shorts starting on July 7, featuring toon favorites like...
Following engagements in 13 cities and rave reviews from critics and audiences across North America, experiential projection leader Lighthouse Immersive Studios and the iconic...
Oswald is back! Disney premiered a new animated short starring the 94-year-old character, directed by famed animator Eric Goldberg (How to Stay at Home,...
Walt Disney Animation Studios and Lighthouse Immersive Studios, the producers of the blockbuster Immersive Van Gogh, are working on a new Disney Animation: Immersive Experience, which will premiere...
Disney+ and Walt Disney Animation Studios present two new Original Series this month: Season 2 of Short Circuit Experimental Films launches on August 4,...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 271 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Shorts HD and Magnolia Pictures are bringing the Oscar-nominated animated short films to theaters for the ninth straight year, starting Jan. 31.
The animated shorts...
Disney's much-anticipated animated feature Frozen will premiere at New York Children's Festival on Sunday, November 10 at 11 a.m. (at the Village East Cinema)....
If you're one of the fortune people who will be attending this year's awesome Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market this month, you...
Disney is generating some buzz today for its mysterious Mickey Mouse short, Get a Horse which premieres at the Annecy Animation Festival (Tuesday, June...