Jill Culton, an animation features veteran who has worked with DreamWorks Animation, Sony Pictures Animation, Industrial Light & Magic and Pixar Animation Studios, has...
Warner Bros. Pictures Animation and Dr. Seuss Enterprises have locked in an all-star comedic cast for their upcoming feature film The Cat in the Hat, which...
Warner Bros. Pictures Animation continues to grow its executive team under President Bill Damaschke with the additions of Kim Mackey and Jessie Carbonaro, as...
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, a leading global children’s entertainment company, and Warner Animation Group, the animated film production arm of Warner Bros. Pictures, today announced...
The largest collections of one-of-a-kind production cels from the 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty, as well as animation drawings, storyboards, concept art, backgrounds, model sheets...
‘Sesame Street’ Joins Kanopy Kids
The library-based free-to-the-user video streaming platform has struck a two-year deal with producer Sesame Workshop to feature 24 episodes of...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
The hugely loved children’s books of Dr. Seuss (the late Theodor...
On November 8, Netflix will be tempting toon palates with the all-new, lusciously animated 2D animated series inspired by Dr. Seuss classic Green Eggs...
Van Eaton Galleries has announced its first joint popular culture and Disneyland auction: The Art of Entertainment, to take place at Van Eaton Galleries...
Following the news earlier this month that Gina Rodriguez and Will Forte had signed on to voice Velma and Shaggy, respectively, Deadline reports that...
Everyone’s favorite Christmas curmudgeon is coming home soon as Universal Pictures Home Entertainment releases <a href=”Dr. Seuss’s The Grinch on digital via Movies Anywhere...
***This story originally appeared in the February ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 287)***
Two years ago, French audiences were treated to a charming CG-animated...
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