Warner Animation Group is planning a new, animated feature adventure into the world of the Wizard of Oz, adapted from author Michael Morpurgo’s children’s...
The document trademarking Walt Disney’s name, production art from How the Grinch Stole Christmas (just in time for its 50th anniversary), original set pieces...
Portfolio Entertainment has wrapped up its MIPCOM 2016 negotiations by securing multiple sales for its kids’ catalog, including DOKI and The Cat in the...
Batman: The Killing Joke - Watch an Exclusive Clip and Own It Today
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment unleashes its first R-rated DC animated movie on...
Veteran animated features exec Tito Ortiz (Ice Age, Despicable Me) is returning to Chris Meledandri’s Illumination Entertainment after being absent for two years pursuing...
Universal Studios and its Illumination Entertainment animation division are banking that Dr. Seuss fans have sufficiently recovered from the much-maligned Jim Carrey take on...
Fox Animation Studios president Vanessa Morrison has renewed her deal with Fox Filmed Entertainment (FFE), it was announced today by FFE chairmen Jim Gianopulos...
Illumination Entertainment's proposed Woody Woodpecker feature has a pair of writers.
John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky have been tapped by Illumination chief Chris Meledandri and Universal...
An overwhelming marketing campaign and familiarity with the Dr. Seuss brand pushed Universal/Illumination’s animated feature The Lorax to the top of the U.S. box-office...
How the team at Illumination Entertainment put a shiny new 3-D polish on Dr. Seuss’ cautionary, environmentally themed The Lorax.
More than 40 years after...
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