Dav Pilkey's charming canine copper is ready to make his big-screen debut in DreamWorks Animation's Dog Man. Directed by Peter Hastings (who also took on...
The new year in animation starts off on a highly paw-sitive note as DreamWorks’ eagerly anticipated adaptation of Dav Pilkey’s bestselling book Dog Man...
DreamWorks Animation and the Association of Children’s Museums are launching a year long partnership called Gabby’s Dollhouse MEOWseum Discovery Days, bringing the magic of the...
Fans of Dav Pilkey's crime-solving demi-canine can forge their own adventure in Roblox with a new game inspired by the upcoming DreamWorks Animation movie Dog...
Moviegoers have another chance to take in the big screen-worthy artistry of DreamWorks Animation's critically acclaimed feature The Wild Robot this week, as Universal Pictures...
Universal Pictures has announced updates to its animated features slate, as well as a key creative appointment to the next chapter of fan-favorite franchise Shrek.
From the studio that brought Captain Underpants to the big screen comes a new Dav Pilkey adaptation in DreamWorks Animation's Dog Man, coming to theaters on January...
A supermajority of members of The Animation Guild (IATSE Local 839) have voted to ratify the 2024-2027 Animation Guild Master Agreement. Of the valid...
ASIFA-Hollywood today revealed the nominees for the 52nd Annie Awards (annieawards.org), covering the year's greatest artistic achievements across animated feature films, shorts and series as...
DreamWorks Animation's critically acclaimed book adaptation The Wild Robot, released by Universal Pictures, soared into the weekend having reached a new box office milestone of...
Hundreds of workers represented by The Animation Guild (TAG) gathered today outside Glendale's DreamWorks’ office to present a petition signed by more than 58,000...
It's October, and all-things Halloween reign supreme across our screens this month! One charming trick-or-treat morsel is the new DreamWorks Animation series Mighty Monsterwheelies, which...
One of the year's most highly acclaimed animated features, DreamWorks Animation's The Wild Robot makes its Digital debut through Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today, available to...
While continuing to charm family audiences in theaters, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today announced that the critically acclaimed DreamWorks Animation feature The Wild Robot will...
It was an animated bonanza at the domestic box-office this weekend. While Cineverse's indie horror release Terrifier 3 rode the spooky season enthusiasm to a...
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