Breaking vase news: This month, Dan Harmon's (Rick and Morty, Community) ancient Greece comedy Krapopolis is returning to the FOX Animation Domination lineup for...
FOX animation loves spending time in ancient Greece. Krapopolis, the Sunday night animated series has been greenlit for a fourth season by the network....
Krapopolis, the all-new animated comedy from Emmy Award winner, creator and executive producer Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty, Community) will make its series debut...
FOX Entertainment and its Emmy-winning animation studio Bento Box Entertainment are tripling-down on the upcoming animated comedy Krapopolis, ordering a third season renewal for...
FOX Entertainment’s Emmy Award-winning animation studio Bento Box Entertainment and Dublin-based animation studio Boulder Media have entered a multi-year production services agreement, it was...
Blockchain Creative Labs (BCL), FOX Entertainment’s Web3 media and creative technology company, and Dan Harmon, creator and executive producer of FOX’s upcoming animated comedy...
In advance of its series premiere, FOX Entertainment has renewed its all-new animated comedy Krapopolis for a second season. From Emmy Award-winning creator and...
FOX and Blockchain Creative Labs announced today that the polls will officially open for Krapopolis NFT holders to vote on episodic elements within the...
Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty, Community) and FOX Entertainment’s Web3 media and creative technology company, Blockchain Creative Labs, have unveiled, featuring utility-focused, chicken-inspired...
Fox Entertainment’s upcoming animated series Krapopolis from Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer Dan Harmon (co-creator of Rick and Morty), will make its San...
Pendleton Ward and Duncan Trussell's cand-colored, inter-dimensional existentialist trip has come to an end: Netflix has cancelled adult animated series The Midnight Gospel, despite largely...
FOX has ordered the all-new animated sleuth comedy Grimsburg, starring and executive produced by Emmy Award winner Jon Hamm (Mad Men, Top Gun: Maverick),...
Emmy Award nominee Hannah Waddingham (Ted Lasso), Richard Ayoade (The IT Crowd), Matt Berry (What We Do in the Shadows), Pam Murphy (Mapleworth Murders)...
***An abridged version of this interview originally appeared in the June-July '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
Just in time for the 2021 Emmy...
If you like your apocalyptic fare flavored with sharp insights, beautiful imagery and psychedelic animation, then you should get comfortable and get ready to...
Titmouse, Inc. is one of the several super-busy animation houses that has been able to make a smooth transition to this new COVID-19 “work-from-home”...
Netflix has revealed the official premiere date for its psychedelic new adult animated series The Midnight Gospel, along with a trippy teaser and first-look...
Netflix has added another big animation name to its already fantastic collection of creators: Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward is working on a new...
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