Today, Prime Video premiered the official trailer for its highly anticipated adult-animated anthology series Secret Level, from Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio. The...
As predicted by game and entertainment watchers, Prime Video took the spotlight during the Gamescom Opening Night Live global livestream today with their captivating...
BuzzFeed Studios has announced that it’s Animation Lab, home to hit short-form animated channels across YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook like The Land of...
Cryptozoic Entertainment, a leading creator of tabletop games, trading cards and collectibles, in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products, launched a record-breaking...
Hasbro, Inc. announced today the newly appointed leadership team of Hasbro Entertainment, a division that will be dedicated to leveraging the toy and entertainment...
Hasbro, Inc.'s Board of Directors has appointed Chris Cocks as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors, effective February 25. Cocks...
***This article originally appeared in the February '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 317)***
It started, appropriately, with a roll of the dice.
A group of...
David Hudson DePatie, co-founder of the DePatie-Freleng animation studio which created the Academy Award-winning character The Pink Panther, died September 23 of natural causes...
Fans of DreamWorks Animation's hilarious prehistoric family were thrilled to see the arrival of the new series The Croods: Family Tree on Peacock and...
NBCUniversal is ready to ruffle feathers in the streaming game with the launch of its Peacock service this summer. The company announced Thursday that...
Cinedigm announced the launch of the new CONtv + COMICS app — combining CONtv’s popular pop culture programming with an extensive library of digital...
Mark Canton (Power, 300) and Courtney Solomon (AFTER, American Haunting, Dungeons & Dragons) have teamed up with the executive producers of King of the...
International popular tabletop roleplay gaming show Critical Role and animation powerhouse Titmouse (Big Mouth, The Venture Bros., Metalocalypse) have had a truly epic crowdfunding...
Titmouse Trailers Next Batch of ‘Tongue and Pencil,’ Announces Short Screenings and Auction
Acclaimed animation studio Titmouse, Inc. has unveiled the trailer for February’s installments...
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