Book an escape from the winter doldrums at the sunny monster-battling resort in Pokémon Concierge, the new stop-motion animated series based on the global hit...
Returning to Anime Expo, North America's biggest Japanese pop culture fan event, Netflix showcased their diverse slate of upcoming anime and manga-inspire shows.
The ‘From...
In celebration of Pokémon Day, Netflix today announced Pokémon Concierge, its first collaborative production with The Pokémon Company and an ambitious stop-motion project produced...
Betting big on Japanese content and storytelling, Netflix today celebrated an ambitious slate of projects and collaborations with top local creators and talent at...
Leading independent agency, Sagoo Licensing, has announced that super kawaii bear Rilakkuma will be returning to Netflix for a second series, produced by Dwarf...
Continuing the momentum of globally launched series like Aggretsuko, Ultraman and 7SEEDS, Netflix returned to Anime Expo in Los Angeles this weekend to preview...
World-leading streaming platform Netflix revealed more animation domination during the Anime Lineup Presentation event at Akiba Theatre in Tokyo, presenting some exciting highlights for...
The 2018 Cartoon Forum television animation pitching and co-production event has wrapped up in Toulouse, France, giving the world a taste of what enticing...
Japan-based animation company dwarf Studios has created a pilot episode of a new stop-motion preschool series The Curious Kitty & Friends for Amazon. This...
U.S. studio Little Airplane Productions (Wonder Pets!, 3rd & Bird, Small Potatoes) is seeking worldwide broadcast partners for its 24-minute animated special Domo Rock!...
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