Netflix Kids & Family is offering many opportunities for cozy home viewing this holiday season, including a trio of exciting new animated feature titles...
With Halloween on the way, Netflix has debuted the teaser trailer for an appropriately supernatural animated treat on the way: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld....
Today, Netflix got animated, previewing an exciting lineup of animated films and series coming in the next year during its jam-packed Next on Netflix: Animation...
Netflix today announced the new animated series Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld, from first-time showrunner Echo Wu and executive producers Ali Wong (Beef) and Aron...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced the finalists for the inaugural, 2017 BAFTA Student Film Awards. Nine nominees have been...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences held its 43rd Student Academy Awards ceremony Thursday night at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly...
The Academy has voted 17 students winners of the 43rd Student Academy Awards competition, selected from a record number of entries (1,749 films from...
Organizers of the 12th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival, sponsored by BITPIX, have announced the official selections for the 2016 event. HollyShorts will present 400...
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