It's hard to believe a decade has passed since Patrick McHale's animated essence of Fall, Over the Garden Wall, first graced television screens. Based on...
On Friday amid the Summer Game Fest festivities, developer Innersloth, adaptation prodco CBS Studios and series creator Owen Dennis (Infinity Train) pointed fans' attention...
CBS Studios and game developer Innersloth today announced that Randall Park (Fresh Off The Boat), Ashley Johnson (The Last of Us), Yvette Nicole Brown (Community) and Elijah Wood (The Lord of the Rings...
Grab your comfiest talking pajamas and coziest sleeping bag for the third season premiere of the exclusive HBO Max series Summer Camp Island, beginning...
The countdown to Halloween begins with plenty of Disney TV animation debuts throughout October. Highlights of the month include an original stop-motion seasonal short...
The Emmy Award-nominated series Star Wars Resistance returns for its second and final season beginning Sunday, October 6 (10-10:30 p.m. EDT/PDT), on Disney Channel...
Disney | ABC Television’s programming event tradition will bring spread holiday cheer throughout December during “25 Days of Christmas.” On linear channels, fans can...
Fans will finally get to meet Lucasfilm’s newest heroic squad when Star Wars Resistance makes its one-hour series premiere with “The Recruit” on Sunday,...
Aardman and BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe have revealed more details of their recently announced World War I adventure 11-11: Memories Retold. The title’s main...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival, the leading toon-centric fest in North America, announces its official selection for its Grand Prize for Best Animated Feature...
Cartoon Network celebrated its animation slate at Comic-Con with jam packed panels for Steven Universe -- with creator Rebecca Sugar, supervising director Ian Jones-Quartey...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Don Jon) leads the English-language voice cast for Hayao Miyazaki's The Wind Rises. Disney will release the dubbed version of the Japanese...
Disney Channel and Disney XD have announced the highlights of their Comic-Con activities this year. Panels and screenings for shows such as TRON: Uprising,...
The world's most famous boy reporter and the return of the light-footed penguins headline a strong week for animated home video releases.
Steven Spielberg directs...
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