Netflix has greenlit a new animated preschool series from Academy and Annie Award-nominated director, animator and illustrator Sanjay Patel (Sanjay’s Super Team). Titled Ghee...
A colorful, fantastical land of fanciful creatures, song and adventure is coming to Netflix streaming in Centaurworld -- a new animated kids’ series from...
Another original kids’ series from a top animation talent will be haunting Netflix streaming, as City of Ghosts from Elizabeth Ito -- an Emmy-winning...
With the Annecy International Animated Film Festival nearly upon us, streaming platform and original content powerhouse Netflix has announced some can’t-miss early look highlights...
Closing out its annual festival’s top slate of international films culled and curated from thousands of productions from around the globe, the New York...
Oscar-qualifying New York International Children’s Film Festival has announced the complete short film lineup for its 2019 event, which runs February 22-March 17 at...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to build steam for its original animation train, confirming a raft of original features and series this week. For a...
IDW Publishing Reveals 'Powerpuff Girls: The Bureau of Bad' #1 Covers
In the upcoming three-part story from show and comics writers Haley Mancini & Jake...
The Oscar-qualifying New York International Children's Film Festival has unveiled its complete short film lineup for its 20th anniversary edition, running February 24-March 19...
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