Disney today unveiled the trailer and new key art for the second season of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, Lucasfilm’s original animated series aimed...
Following the season premiere date announcement as part of Disney TV Animation's slate presentation at Annecy, fans of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures learned today...
Today, during the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Disney Branded Television (DBT) announced a lineup of new animated projects and shared first looks from...
Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures Season 1 continues the Force-fueled fun this summer: Six all-new episodes will debut on Disney+ and Disney Junior beginning...
George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy was conceived as a nostalgic, family-friendly space opera appealing to 12-year-old kids, or at least the sci-fi-loving child...
On May 4, Disney+ and Disney Junior will premiere the original animated series, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures in celebration of Star Wars Day. Set during...
Disney+, Disney Junior and Lucasfilm today announced that Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures will premiere on Disney+ and Disney Junior on May 4 (Star...
Disney Junior's poultry-powered animated comedy-adventure The Chicken Squad is ready for its cock-a-doodle-debut this Friday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. EDT/PDT. As previously revealed,...
Disney Junior's newest animated comedy-adventure series The Chicken Squad premieres Friday, May 14 (7:30 p.m. EDT/PDT), with two back-to-back episodes on Disney Junior and...
Princess Elena's heroic journey to become queen culminates in an star-studded prime-time finale special of Disney's Emmy and Imagen Award-winning series Elena of Avalor,...
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