The Ottawa International Animation Festival’s (OIAF) industry counterpart, The Animation Conference (TAC), celebrates 20 years as an industry hotspot, focusing on international partnerships, including...
Animation Dingle, one of Europe's premier animation festivals, returns for its highly anticipated 2024 edition. Now in its 12th year, the event promises a...
Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland -- the Irish national agency for film, television and animation -- continues to be a leading funder of Irish animation, with...
Five-time Academy Award-, Golden Globe-, BAFTA- and Emmy-nominated studio Cartoon Saloon ( leads a contingent of Enterprise Ireland-supported Irish animation innovators mingling with the...
Accomplished Dublin-based animation studio Kavaleer Productions is pitching itself to U.S. content production, distribution and streaming communities as an ideal partner to better represent...
Ireland's Animation Dingle ( has capped another digital edition with the presentation of its annual awards, celebrating the best animation from around the country...
The Oscar-nominated film Wolfwalkers from Kilkenny studio Cartoon Saloon was the big winner in this year's Irish Animation Awards on Friday (May 21), coming...
The nominees for the 2021 Irish Animation Awards have been announced by Animation Ireland, the trade association for Irish animation studios. The biennial awards...
This year’s Virtual Animation Dingle presented by JAM Media took place throughout this week, delivering an incredible lineup of guests and speakers from a...
The Irish people’s long reputed penchant for weaving tales has over the last several years been evolving alongside the rapid development of technology, putting...
Academy Denies Animation Producer Kobe Bryant Opportunity to Become Member
The sports star, who won the Best Animated Short Oscar together with Glen Keane this...
Taking place March 18-19 in Dingle, Ireland -- on the most westerly peninsula of Europe -- the fourth Animation Dingle festival will celebrate excellence...
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