Paris-based studio Cyber Group Studios’ new animated preschool series Gigantosaurus was the most-viewed show at this past weekend’s MIP Junior Market in France. The...
Netflix has hired on Alexi Wheeler, formerly VP of animation production & development for Nickelodeon International, as part of its kids and family international...
A new Finland-based animation start-up studio has officially opened today, dubbed Haruworks. The company is headed by animation and mobile entertainment expert Nick Dorra...
Leading online kids’ network and AVOD expert WildBrain has appointed senior executive Will Mahmood to the newly created position of Head of Strategy. Mahmood...
Entertainment One (eOne) has appointed Katie Rollings as Head of UK LIcensing for eOne Family and eOne Licensing, effective September 13. Base in the...
Italian pubcaster Rai Fiction announced new animated productions on the final day of the Cartoons on the Bay festival in Venice.
The productions are part...
Jillianne Reinseth has been appointed VP creative affairs for eOne Family, effective March 2. Based in Toronto, Reinseth will lead creative affairs for eOne...
It’s that magical time of year when Cannes, France’s Palais des Festivals (and any bars within walking distance) are jam-packed with content creators and...
Entertainment One (eOne)'s latest animated kids' series Zak Storm has been greenlit for production, and is set to air on France's leading kids network...
Entertainment One (eOne) has landed the worldwide distribution rights for YouTube’s megahit Simon’s Cat cross all media including, TV, Home Entertainment, Licensing and Online.
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