Today, Prime Video premiered the official trailer for its highly anticipated adult-animated anthology series Secret Level, from Amazon MGM Studios and Blur Studio. The...
Epic Games, the creators of Unreal Engine, today launched Fab — unified content marketplace bringing together the Unreal Engine Marketplace, Sketchfab Store and Quixel...
A new kind of warfare descends in Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, a six-episode half-hour event series coming to Netflix on October 17. The Geeked Week...
High-end animation company, Blur Studio creates award-winning game cinematics, feature films, episodic series, and commercials. Founded by director Tim Miller as an artist-first destination...
Award-winning VFX, animation and interactive studio Platige Image is opening its newest office in Las Palmas, on the Spanish island of Gran Canaria. The...
The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Today at Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco, Epic Games presented its State of Unreal keynote, debuting Unreal Engine 5.4, showcasing cutting-edge new video game...
Danish creative company Mint Copenhagen is expanding its footprint in Europe, opening a London office to grow its IP development slate and further boost...
The Walt Disney Company Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger announced today that Moana 2, Disney Animation’s new feature-length sequel to 2016’s Oscar-nominated film, will be released in...
The 1980s British sci-fi/action comic Rogue Trooper will be coming to screens in a new animated adaptation helmed by Duncan Jones (Moon, Warcraft). Original publisher...
Following the nominations announcement for the 96th Academy Awards early this morning, reactions from this year's esteemed nominees for the best animated feature and...
The Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD), an organization dedicated to fostering the standardization, development, evolution, and growth of OpenUSD (Universal Scene Description), today unveiled its...
Update (Sept. 28, 2023) -- Joint statement:
"SAG-AFTRA and video game employers concluded scheduled negotiations for the Interactive Media Agreement. No deal was reached and the...
Actors' guild SAG-AFTRA’s National Board has voted unanimously to send a strike authorization vote to SAG-AFTRA members in preparation of the union’s forthcoming bargaining...
Epic Games announced the release of Unreal Engine 5.2, further expanding the advanced real-time 3D creator's capabilities. Updates include enhancements to virtual production tools, character...
London-based Blue Zoo Animation Studio has received an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games to support the development of their new real-time tool “MoPo”. Mopo...
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