The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Fifty brand-new animated short films showcasing the creativity of animators from around the globe will premiere October 10 at NOUNS FEST, an eclectic animation...
The debut documentary film from Emmy, Annie and Clio-winning animation collective Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (Robot Chicken, SuperMansion, CrossingSwords, Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.) premieres May 29 during...
Acclaimed stop-motion animation studio Stoopid Buddy Stoodios has announced that Jonathan Schneider has been named the shop's new President. In this role, he will...
Digital art collective Nouns is unveiling the single largest source of funding for independent animated shorts, urging animators around the globe to submit ideas...
A few months ago, the animation veterans at Stoopid Buddy Stoodios (Robot Chicken, Crossing Swords, Marvel’s M.O.D.O.K.) launched a crowdfunding campaign to introduce the...
HBO Max is ready to sleigh the holidays with its seasonal Max Original adult animated series, Santa Inc., from Lionsgate Television and Seth Rogen's...
Adult Swim's off-the-wall stop-motion comedy series Robot Chicken is back for season 11 and filled with more hilarious parodies and insane characters and personalities...
Two-time Grammy-nominated artist and NFT creator Steve Aoki has joined forces with Seth Green's Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, the studio behind the Emmy Award-winning Robot...
AMC+ has released first-look photos for the upcoming new half-hour, stop-motion, animated baby doll series, Ultra City Smiths -- premiering Thursday, July 22. The...
AMC Networks today announced the second round of voice casting for its new half-hour, stop-motion, animated baby doll series, Ultra City Smiths, created by...
The teens at Riverdale High will be gifted with their very own skewering stop-motion special in The Bleepin’ Robot Chicken Archie Comics Special, premiering...
Comedy Central released the official trailer for season two of Stoopid Buddy Stoodios' Blark and Son, the puppet digital series created by Ben Bayouth...
Stoopid Buddy Stoodios, the studio founded by Seth Green, John Harvatine IV, Matthew Senreich and Eric Towner, announced that Jasmine Johnson has been appointed...
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