The Chilemonos International Animation Festival will be bestowing its “Iconic Director” award on Carlos Saldanha, the Brazilian-born filmmaker behind many of Blue Sky Studios’...
Animation Dingle and JAM Media are preparing to welcome high-profile international media companies to the Irish coastal town for the fifth edition of the...
The 36th Brussels International Animation Film Festival, or Anima 2017, wrapped up Sunday having welcomed a record-setting number of attendees, far exceeding last year's...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Festival (Feb. 24-Mar. 5, 2017 in Flagey) is gearing up for its annual spring fling. This year, the Festival...
A high-profile new animated preschool series from Chinese kids entertainment company Magic Mall, set for broadcast in China, is being produced in Cardiff by...
Taking place in the northern English city from November 15-17 this year, Manchester Animation Festival has revealed a lineup of special programs presented by...
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