LEGO Marvel Avengers Mission Demolition, the all-new animated special and the 10th entry in the popular branded storytelling series, is now streaming exclusively on...
LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red made its streaming debut today (Friday, October 27), exclusively on Disney+. To get fans super excited for the launch, a...
Taylor Gray (Star Wars: Rebels) has joined the star-studded cast of the sci-fi animation series NEW-GEN, based on the Marvel-distributed comic-book series by J.D....
Independent global kids and family TV distributor Jetpack Distribution announces it has acquired the global rights for brand-new sci-fi animation series New-Gen, currently in...
World-leading streaming platform Netflix revealed more animation domination during the Anime Lineup Presentation event at Akiba Theatre in Tokyo, presenting some exciting highlights for...
New seasons of Marvel's Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister 6 and Marvel's Avengers: Ultron Revolution are heading to Disney XD in the coming months,...
It looks like Peter Parker and his web-slinging alter ego are continuing their animated lives on Disney XD. The Mouse's boys action cabler announced...
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